Mountains of Bogotá
Mountains of Bogotá
Each January I try to make this same photo. Let's see if I can in 2021 // // Cada enero trato de tomar esta misma foto. Vamos a ver si puedo en 2021
Each January I try to make this same photo. Let's see if I can in 2021 // // Cada enero trato de tomar esta misma foto. Vamos a ver si puedo en 2021
The last day of the year can be a day with a favorite picture. 31 dec 2020 in Bogotá // El último día del año puede ser un día con una foto favorita. 31 de dic de 2020, Bogotá
The last day of the year can be a day with a favorite picture. 31 dec 2020 in Bogotá // El último día del año puede ser un día con una foto favorita. 31 de dic de 2020, Bogotá
Favorite 14. I think this is the borderline where the photos in this selection become favorites and not only almost favorites. But, actually, any of the not included ones could be in this place. Last years there were 10 favorites. This year I chose 14.
Favorite 14. I think this is the borderline where the photos in this selection become favorites and not only almost favorites. But, actually, any of the not included ones could be in this place. Last years there were 10 favorites. This year I chose 14.
Favorite 13. A scene that was seen only in pandemics (although common in my house as well as in Sweden): Leaving the shoes when arriving home.
Favorite 13. A scene that was seen only in pandemics (although common in my house as well as in Sweden): Leaving the shoes when arriving home.
Favorite 12. Making photo of this mural and the dove,  this boy get on purpose inside the frame and created one of my favorite pics of 2020. I noticed him approaching and waited until he showed up in the frame.
Favorite 12. Making photo of this mural and the dove, this boy get on purpose inside the frame and created one of my favorite pics of 2020. I noticed him approaching and waited until he showed up in the frame.
Favorite 11. A recurrent pic in these years have been one of Monserrate Sanctuary and the moon.
Favorite 11. A recurrent pic in these years have been one of Monserrate Sanctuary and the moon.
Favorite 10. A common shooting location in my neighborhood
Favorite 10. A common shooting location in my neighborhood
Favorite 9. Minimalism
Favorite 9. Minimalism
Favorite 8. Mafe and Christmas decoration
Favorite 8. Mafe and Christmas decoration
Favorite 7. It seems 2020 was a year of repetition in photography
Favorite 7. It seems 2020 was a year of repetition in photography
Favorite 6. Many of my pictures in 2020 were made from some of the windows of my apartment
Favorite 6. Many of my pictures in 2020 were made from some of the windows of my apartment
Favorite 5. a bus station, when I was not afraid of riding a bus
Favorite 5. a bus station, when I was not afraid of riding a bus
Favorite 4. Just listen to the music
Favorite 4. Just listen to the music
Favorite 3. A former spinning top champion
Favorite 3. A former spinning top champion
Favorite 2. Candle's night or "Noche de velitas", my favorite holiday celebration in Colombia's christmas season. Every December 7th.
Favorite 2. Candle's night or "Noche de velitas", my favorite holiday celebration in Colombia's christmas season. Every December 7th.
Favorite 1 of 2020. This picture simbolizes the extra protection we were looking for during this year. This scapulry is still hanging, with a Santa Clauss, in the door of one of my neighbors.
Favorite 1 of 2020. This picture simbolizes the extra protection we were looking for during this year. This scapulry is still hanging, with a Santa Clauss, in the door of one of my neighbors.

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